Influencer Daily

Elton Irijani
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Elton Ilirjani says South Korean designers are the future of fashion

South Korean designers are the future of fashion, according to Elton Ilirjani, a genderless model and LGBTQIIA+ activist who recently walked for BESFXXK during the Concept Korea show at Spring Studios in NYFW 2023. 

In a recent interview, Elton expressed their love for Korean fashion, which the model described as extremely creative, simplistic, and dignified. “I strongly believe they create the best fashion in the world and they are extremely creative!” the model explains. Elton believes that Korean designers take attention through creativity and new paths for the future of fashion rather than extravagance and overly expensive accessories. He also noted the ongoing trend of numerous international brands copying the designs and creative direction of fashion designers from Korea. 

Elton Ilirjani is a social media phenomenon, a fashion influencer, a corporate CEO, and an LGBTQIIA+ activist based in Brooklyn, New York. He is dedicated to speaking up for equality, human rights, and fairness for other LGBTQ+ individuals throughout America and the world. As the founder of the Dignity Global Foundation, a non-profit organization focused on the protection of human and civil rights for women and the LGBTQIIA+ community at the workplace, Elton created the “Employment Equality Index” for the LGBTQIIA+ community. He has also built a successful career over the past decades as the founder and director of The HeadHunter Group, which has offices in 15 countries globally.

Elton recently walked for BESFXXK during the Concept Korea show at Spring Studios in NYFW 2023. Among the illustrious and glamorous events that happened over the course of the show, Elton said that the major highlight of the show was BESFXXK’s catwalk, which showcased an extraordinary outfit that was very hard to present. Elton described it as heavy and needed a powerful and careful walk, exploding under the music of the Korean electronic artist BAAWALA. Elton took pride in showcasing the works of Korean fashion designers. In contrast to the European spirit of pride and sometimes prejudice, “they make all models feel beautiful and handsome! In the end this should be an industry of love and inclusion, and not of slavery and human cruelty,” Elton says.

Elton is excited to walk for Seoul Fashion Week, which he describes as a step into the future. He  will be walking in four runway shows for Seoul Fashion Week 2023 in March: MMAM, SEOKWOON YON, GREEDILOUS, and MAISON NICA. The piece Elton wore during the BESFXXK catwalk was a dream outfit, with the model calling it “Rotation of Dreams” due to its hard, heavy, light, black, colorful, marshmallow taste for the eyes, and cosmic and astronaut spirit under rotation.

Elton Ilirjani is walking in four runway shows for Seoul Fashion Week 2023 in March:

March 15th, 2023 – 07:00 PM Seoul Local Time

Brand: MMAM 

March 16th, 2023 – 08:00 PM Seoul Local Time


March 17th, 2023 – 02:00 PM Seoul Local Time


March 19th, 2023 – 01:00 PM Seoul Local Time


Connect with Elton Ilirjani 

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