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Jeremy B. Sims on Writing and Wellness
Photo Courtesy: tarajanelle photography

Empowering Minds Through Words: Jeremy B. Sims on Writing and Wellness

By: Plugstar Entertainment 

The demands of daily life often overshadow the need for personal growth and community well-being, and Jeremy B. Sims is creating change. A prolific writer, with several published books and articles on topics such as personal development, mindfulness, and mental health, his writing style is relatable yet thought-provoking, making complex concepts easy to understand and apply in daily life. In addition to his written works, Jeremy also mentors aspiring writers and speakers through workshops and one-on-one coaching sessions. His guidance helps others hone their skills and confidently share their message. 

We had a chance to sit and chat with Jeremy about his writing and his method to writing and what he offers to aspiring authors will spark a light under everyone’s pen.

Tell our readers about yourself.

I’m Jeremy B. Sims, a dedicated advocate for holistic wellness, community engagement, and personal development. My journey spans various roles including authorship, mentorship, philanthropy, and holistic wellness coaching. I am deeply committed to empowering individuals and communities to achieve their fullest potential through practical and inspirational strategies.

With over 4,000 hours of volunteer service, my life’s work is dedicated to uplifting others and fostering environments where wellness and diversity are celebrated. I’ve been honored to receive the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award, which underscores my commitment to societal betterment.

Currently, I am involved in the BAM and BGBB Kids Red Carpet Literacy Tour, which aims to enhance literacy across the globe. Additionally, I am organizing wellness retreats scheduled to commence in mid to late 2025, from the lush rainforests of Costa Rica to the serene treehouses of Arkansas, designed to provide holistic wellness experiences.

I believe in the power of resilience and the importance of mental health awareness, often sharing these themes through my participation, such as the “Can We Talk” symposium initiated by Boris L. Henson Foundation. Each day, I strive to be a beacon of hope and guidance, inspiring others through my work and the narratives I share. My goal is to ensure that the message of wellness reaches a global audience, fostering a world where everyone has the opportunity to live a balanced and fulfilling life.

What inspired you to start writing?

My experiences as a Navy veteran, social worker, and holistic wellness coach. Throughout my career, I have been privileged to encounter various forms of human resilience and witnessed the profound impact that supportive, enlightening communication can have on individuals striving to overcome personal challenges.

Writing became a natural extension of my commitment to mentorship and advocacy. I realized that through books, I could extend my reach beyond one-on-one interactions to touch the lives of many more individuals across the globe. Each story and piece of advice I write is driven by a genuine desire to empower and uplift others, providing them with the tools and inspiration needed to navigate their own paths with strength and purpose.

Moreover, my writing reflects my dedication to holistic wellness. It allows me to explore and disseminate ideas that foster a balanced approach to living—a synergy of mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. By sharing these concepts through my books, I aim to spark transformative journeys in others, encouraging them to embrace wellness in all aspects of their lives.

This passion for making a positive impact through the written word continues to fuel my endeavors, making each book a testament to the power of sharing knowledge and experiences to inspire change and growth.

How long have you been writing?

While it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly how long I’ve been writing, I can confidently say that the art of writing has always been an intrinsic part of who I am. From a young age, I found solace and power in the written word, using it as a tool to express my thoughts, share my experiences, and connect with others on a deeper level.

Writing has been a constant companion throughout my life, evolving as I have grown personally and professionally. It has served as a means to explore and articulate the complex dimensions of holistic wellness, mental resilience, and personal development—themes that lie at the heart of my career as a mentor, philanthropist, and wellness coach.

The process of writing has always been instinctual for me, a natural extension of my desire to teach, guide, and inspire. Each piece I write is an opportunity to reach out and touch the lives of others, offering insights and encouragement. In this way, writing is not just a skill I have cultivated over the years; it is a fundamental aspect of my approach to life and work, deeply embedded in my mission to empower and uplift.

In essence, writing is not measured in years but in the impact it achieves and the journeys it inspires. For me, it remains a vital, ever-present practice that continues to shape my contributions to the world.

How do you handle writer’s block?

In my writing journey, I do not subscribe to the concept of writer’s block. Instead, I view any moment of hesitation as an opportunity to realign my thoughts and reconnect with my purpose for writing. I believe that the idea of writer’s block often persists simply because it is spoken into existence, becoming a mental barrier that many accept as inevitable.

To maintain a steady flow of creativity, I prioritize clearing my mind through meditation and mindfulness practices. These techniques allow me to dissolve any mental clutter and focus deeply on the message I wish to convey. By grounding myself in the present and reconnecting with my intentions, I find that the words often flow freely.

Additionally, I ensure that my writing process is aligned with my overall mission to uplift and educate. Each session is purpose-driven, which inherently guides my thoughts and keeps the momentum going. I approach writing as an extension of my holistic wellness practice—not just as a task, but as a reflection of my life’s work.

This mindset shifts the narrative from battling against a mythical block to embracing each writing opportunity with clarity and purpose. By doing so, I empower myself to write effectively, whenever inspiration strikes or necessity calls.

What, in your opinion, are the most important elements of good writing?

In my view, the essence of good writing is encapsulated in three core elements: relevance, relatability, and readability. These principles guide my writing, whether I am crafting a self-help book or a children’s story.

Relevance is crucial because it ensures that the content speaks directly to current, real-world issues or needs. It helps the reader see the immediate value and application of the information or narratives provided. When writing is relevant, it engages the audience by addressing their lives and their interests directly.

Relatability comes from creating content that resonates on a personal level with readers. This connection is forged by using examples, stories, or dilemmas that mirror the readers’ experiences or emotional journeys. By making my writing relatable, I aim to bridge the gap between my insights and the reader’s personal context, making the lessons more impactful and easier to integrate into their lives.

Readability ensures that the writing is accessible and enjoyable. It involves clear language, a well-organized structure, and a style that complements the subject matter. Good readability makes the text inviting and digestible, encouraging readers to engage deeply and fully with the content.

These elements are interdependent and essential for crafting writings that not only inform but also inspire and empower the reader. By focusing on making my work relevant, relatable, and readable, I strive to create books that are not only educational but also enriching and transformative.

Looking ahead, what are your future projects, and how can our audience stay updated with your latest work?

As I look towards the future, I am excited about several projects that continue to align with my mission of promoting holistic wellness and empowering communities. One of the major upcoming initiatives includes the launch of wellness retreats and speaking engagements scheduled to begin in mid to late 2025. These retreats will take place in diverse settings from the rainforests of Costa Rica to the serene treehouses of Arkansas, designed to offer transformative experiences focusing on holistic health.

In addition to the retreats, I am actively working on a new series of self-help and children’s books that further explore themes of mental resilience and holistic wellness. These projects are aimed at providing practical tools and inspiring stories to help individuals and families lead healthier, more fulfilled lives.

To ensure you don’t miss any updates on these and other developments, I invite everyone to visit my website at Here, you can find the latest information on my projects, upcoming events, and blog posts. For more personalized updates, feel free to leave contact information on our website or reach out directly via email at We are always excited to engage with our community and share insights that can make a meaningful difference.


Published By: Aize Perez

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