Influencer Daily

Molly Wilcox, the High Performance Coach on Maneuvering Those Under Her Wing in the Direction of Growth and Success

Recent decades have witnessed the rapid growth of the personal development industry, a sector that is expected to expand even more in the years to come due to the rise of tech-driven platforms for self-growth, availability of online-based opportunities promoting learning and improvement from any remote location in the world, and the increasing recognition of the role personal development plays in happiness and wellbeing. Following this expansion is the surge of mentors and authorities who have made it their mission to guide people through the A to Zs involved in transforming into the best version of themselves. Molly Wilcox is one such coach fueled by the overarching goal to help others barrel through the barriers preventing them from maximizing their potential. 

The go-getter at the helm of the up-and-coming brand Revolutionary Lifestyle, Molly is intimately privy to the seemingly never-ending string of challenges that life has to offer. Bearing a story that resonates with millions of people from across the world, she knows what it feels like to struggle and survive.

“Life has not given me an easy hand, but, throughout the years, I have learned how to roll with what I have been given,” shared the high-performance coach. “I was a mom at the age of sixteen and a mom of four by the time I was twenty-two. I was a military wife. I have dealt with abuse from all angles. I have been beaten down to the point that I turned to alcohol and started to head down the road of drugs until I made a choice not to.”

Apart from extricating herself from the chokehold of vices, Molly also had to deal with the harsh realities behind bars. “I have been to jail six times for a crime I did not commit,” she added. “I faced a year in prison for it, doing all I could to get the proof I needed to keep me out of it since staying meant my kids wouldn’t be safe.”

Amid the odds, Molly managed to rise above her circumstances and eventually secure the life she has always wanted for herself. Armed with a goal to pursue, a burning desire to improve, and the vision to make a difference in the lives of others by teaching them how to take courage and focus on their dreams, she is currently going all-out in spearheading the efforts of the Revolutionary Lifestyle. 

At Revolutionary Lifestyle, Molly operates under the mission of helping people realign who they are with who they can be and teaching them the critical concept of “anything is possible.” “It sounds cliche, but if I can do it, anyone can,” encouraged the purpose-driven personality.

With a lot to share and a heart to serve, Molly aims to stand side by side with more people in the years to come as they journey toward development and growth. By looking back on her past, she hopes to propel her clients forward and highlight the values that one needs in order to overcome life’s most difficult challenges. 


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