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Progress Residential's Guide to Affordable Moving

Progress Residential’s Guide to Affordable Moving

Moving costs can quickly mount, from basic packing supplies to new furniture. Meanwhile, other costs can range from hiring professional movers to renting a costly truck and tackling the task on your own. However, with a little careful planning, the financial implications don’t have to overshadow the excitement of moving into a new home. 

Below Progress Residential explores some tips and tricks when it comes to hidden expense budgeting including clever steps designed to prepare you for the most overlooked, less-obvious associated costs.

Hidden Expense Budgeting

Successfully moving home on a budget often rests on the finer details, and so-called hidden expense budgeting can be pivotal. The cost of hiring movers or renting a truck is generally budgeted for at the outset.

However, things like cleaning services and utility transfer fees may not be. With that, create a thorough list of expenses accounting for all costs upfront. That means including even the smallest ones to ensure you don’t blow the budget unwittingly down the line.

For example, don’t forget to factor in costs like hotel accommodation and regular meals for long-distance moves. Even something as simple as packing healthy, nutritious, and filling snacks can save a small fortune versus dining out for several consecutive days.

Declutter Before You Go

Progress Residential points out that it stands to reason that the less clutter you have to move, the less it’ll cost you. Decluttering can be overwhelming at the best of times. It’s a good idea to begin at least a month before your planned moving date to minimize unnecessary stress.

Tackle a small area at a time when sorting through your belongings. With a move on the horizon, consider what you truly want and need in your new house or apartment. You can then sell or donate anything of value that you don’t need, further supplementing you moving costs or supporting a good cause in the process!

The biggest piece of advice in decluttering before a move is to start early. According to’s guide on How to Declutter Your Home Before Moving, you should consider starting your pre-move declutter process at least 5 weeks before you plan to move. Starting early gives you more time to create a strategy so that you won’t become overwhelmed by the process, and it’ll give you plenty of time to go through your belongings and decide what to keep, what to sell or donate, and what to scrap altogether. Less stress going in can mean a much more streamlined and happy moving day down the line.

Get Creative with Supplies

Moving boxes and packing supplies are surprisingly expensive. So, before breaking the bank to cover these costs, consider contacting local businesses like supermarkets and office supply stores. They often have mountains of used but clean cardboard boxes to give away for free.

Meanwhile, old towels, blankets, and clothing make more environmentally friendly alternatives to bubble wrap and polystyrene packaging materials. And best of all? They also cost nothing and are potentially reusable to boot!

Weigh Out Professional Help Costs

While do-it-yourself moving can usually be cheaper than calling in the professionals, examining the costs for both options is imperative. Progress Residential points out that, as the saying goes, time is money. If your time is better spent elsewhere, like at work or spending time with your family, then shopping around for one or more affordable professional movers may be more cost-effective overall.

When doing your research, always check for reviews to ensure that professional movers are reliable and trustworthy, especially when looking at more budget-friendly options. Where possible, aim to move outside of peak times. Doing so should hopefully keep any associated costs down further. Architectural Digest suggests considering a mid-week or mid-month move because they can often be the cheapest options.

If you decide on a DIY move, don’t be afraid to call in favors from friends and family. If someone you know has a truck you can borrow, that will save you a not-insignificant sum versus hiring one. Just ensure you have the necessary paperwork and insurance in place before getting behind the wheel yourself.

Moving and More with Progress Residential

With careful planning, minimizing costly potential surprises during the home-moving process can be a breeze! With that, it’s possible to fully enjoy the excitement of a fresh start in a new home without breaking the bank. 

For more helpful home moving tips and other advice, visit the Progress Residential site and blog, The Neighborhood, or Progress Residential on Facebook. You can find posts on decluttering your space, moving to a new home, and other helpful tips to help renters make their next move on a budget.


Published By: Aize Perez


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