Bethany Inez is an intuitive coach and healthy living expert with a strong interest in assisting people in realizing their own natural splendor. Bethany has been a hairstylist for almost 20 years, and over that time, she’s helped countless clients make positive changes in their lives and themselves. Working in the beauty industry gave her insight into a pervasive problem: individuals’ failure to appreciate their own inherent value and beauty. Because of this, she felt compelled to change careers and become a life coach so that she could share everything she had learned, experienced, released, created, and embodied with other people. This is the origin story of Splendor.
Splendor’s mission is to guide people who have become estranged from their authentic selves back to a place of completeness. To help people align with their best selves and bring their most abundant and joyful possibilities to life, Splendor provides five different programs to aid in the healing of their physical, mental, and spiritual layers, knowing that a human cannot come into their wholeness without the alignment of these three levels of themselves.
First, there’s Rebirth, a transformative nine-month exploration that helps people eliminate what isn’t serving them and create their future by design. The intention of this program is to give people a second chance at the kind of life their spirits have been yearning for.
Habit Hub, the second offering, is an innovative membership service that helps people intentionally develop into their ideal selves. The program provides participants with the tools they need to establish and maintain positive routines that will facilitate their growth into their ideal selves.
Ketoneers Transformation, the third of five offerings, is a group online experience lasting three months that helps people lose weight by healing their relationship with food. The program educates participants on how to properly nourish their bodies and connects them with others who can offer moral and emotional support as they work to achieve their weight loss goals.
Ignite Your Dreams and Supreme Splendor are the fourth and fifth offerings . The primary intention of these initiatives is to aid participants in realizing their full potential. Supreme Splendor emphasizes the healing potential of love as an antidote to anxiety, and it offers guidance and tools to help people make the change to a life based on love union. Its intention is to bring together a tight-knit group of people who share similar values and are willing to put in the effort to fully express who they are to the world. The Ignite Your Dreams online group journey lasts for four weeks and helps people create the life they truly want by learning the powerful tool of manifestation to a depth that humanity aren’t normally aware of.
The heart, soul, and life experiences of Bethany are poured into each and every one of the Splendor programs. Splendor was born out of Bethany’s desire to help others realize their true greatness so that they can begin the healing process and go forward into their next evolutionary phase feeling complete and deserving of success.
To sum up, Bethany Inez is a gifted intuitive coach who has built a business around a set of programs designed to aid in the mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of their participants. The hope is that each reader will be able to rediscover their own inner magnificence and use that knowledge to build a life filled with peace, contentment, and meaning. Splendor is an excellent company to check out because of Bethany’s love for people and her years of work in the beauty and life coaching industries.