Dr. Roland Yakoubov is an advocate of inner peace, advocating for a holistic and alternative approach to health and wellness. As the visionary founder of Roland Wellness Center, he has pioneered revolutionary healing practices that empower individuals to tap into their inherent self-healing abilities.
For too long, societies steeped in modern living have turned to external sources for cure-all solutions, relying excessively on medications to treat common ailments. The issue with this approach is twofold. Firstly, the reliance on artificial treatment methods can innumerable side-effects, burdening the body with a new set of problems to combat. Secondly, this dependence hampers the body’s innate ability to heal itself. With age, as the spine compresses, and aches and pains of various kinds set in, the knee-jerk reaction is often to take a pill, but Dr. Roland insists that the human body is capable of self-healing when given the chance.
Taking this insightful understanding of the human body into account, the Roland Wellness Center provides an array of non-invasive healing methods. From light sound vibration therapy to acupuncture and energy healing, the center offers a touch-free format that optimizes each patient’s energy levels. A visit to Roland Wellness Center begins with an in-house chiropractor conducting a blood test to assess any chemical imbalances and inflammation in the body. The holistic approach helps restore balance and harmony within the body, aiding the healing process.

The intriguing aspect of Dr. Roland’s practice lies in the focus on energy transfer and tai chi. Instead of physically touching the patients, he utilizes their energy to aid the healing process. This innovative approach not only cultivates a sense of tranquility and peace in his patients but also awakens their inherent healing abilities. It’s a testament to the human body’s potential to heal, regenerate, and recover from even the most complex ailments.
Dr. Roland’s inspiring work and invaluable contributions to the field of energy healing have earned recognition and praise worldwide. Honored with a Gold Lifetime Achievement Award, a humanitarian award from the President of Pakistan, and a recognition as the Best Healer in Mumbai, his work has truly touched lives across the globe.
The impetus for Dr. Roland’s wellness journey traces back to his family tree. His great aunt practiced energy transfer healing and opened an international university for medicine in Kazakhstan, which also operated in the United States. She never physically touched anyone yet healed them with mere energy, piquing government curiosity and prompting them to fund $5 million for research into this phenomenon. Being part of the research team, Dr. Roland was exposed to this extraordinary healing practice from a young age. In his words, “I learned how to transform the human body and create a harmonious communication between the brain and body. Our patients’ bodies would start regenerating and literally recovering from incurable things.”

Today, Dr. Roland continues his great aunt’s legacy through his wellness center and healing method—the Bioenergy Healing System. His life and work champion a holistic view of wellness and are a testament to the power of alternative healing, emphasizing that if given a chance, any person has the power to heal.
In an age where quick-fix solutions are widely embraced, the Roland Wellness Center presents a ray of hope—an affirmation that the human body, in its wisdom, can find a way to heal itself. A visit at Roland Wellness Center could just be the first step towards unlocking and nurturing your inner healing potential. For more information, visit www.rolandwellnesscenter.com or follow their Instagram account at www.instagram.com/roland.lifestyle. Let’s explore our inherent healing abilities together.
Published By: Aize Perez