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The Reimagined Cities of Our Past: A New Perspective

The Reimagined Cities of Our Past: A New Perspective

The UK’s urban landscape has undergone significant changes over the years, with many cities and towns bearing little resemblance to their former selves. Iconic landmarks and buildings have been lost to time, leaving only memories of what once was. However, a new campaign by Chums seeks to reimagine these lost landmarks using artificial intelligence (AI).

Through this innovative technology, Chums has taken five notable UK landmarks and redefined what they would look like if they still existed in modern-day society. This campaign offers a unique opportunity to rediscover the forgotten past and envision what could have been. Here’s a few of my favorite reimagined cities. 

Portobello Pool, Edinburgh

Portobello Pool was a beloved attraction in Edinburgh for over four decades, known for its stunning art deco design, high diving boards, and outdoor heated pool. The pool was opened to the public on May 30, 1936, by Lord Provost Sir Louis Stewart Gumley, and its grand opening drew an impressive 10,000 visitors despite torrential rain and long queues.

During its first open season, Portobello Pool was a huge success, attracting approximately 290,000 bathers and 500,000 spectators. Families especially enjoyed the pool, which was open from May to September each year thanks to its heated water. The pool’s artificial wave was a particularly popular feature, generating waves up to three feet high in three different directions.

When World War II broke out in 1939, the pool was camouflaged to prevent it from being used as a target. After the war, the pool reopened in June 1946 and continued to host various galas and diving shows, drawing in large crowds. However, the pool’s popularity began to decline in the 1970s as people became more interested in cheap package holidays abroad.

In 1978, the pool was closed for the final time due to the closure of the power station responsible for heating the water. The following year, the pool was demolished and replaced with a leisure center and five-a-side football pitch.

Despite its closure, Portobello Pool remains an important part of Edinburgh’s history and is fondly remembered by many. If the pool hadn’t closed, it’s easy to imagine a modern version of the original, featuring clean, straight lines and geometric designs that reflect its art deco charm.

Dome of Discovery and Skylon, London

The Dome of Discovery and Skylon were two iconic structures built for the Festival of Britain in 1951. The festival was held on London’s South Bank to promote hope and optimism after the devastation of World War II. The Dome of Discovery, designed by Ralph Tubbs, was the largest prefabricated dome in the world at the time, with a diameter of 365 feet and a height of 93 feet. The dome was made from concrete and aluminium and housed galleries and exhibitions divided into eight different sections, including ‘the sea’, ‘the sky’, ‘the land’ and ‘outer space’.

Next to the Dome of Discovery stood the Skylon, a sleek, cigar-shaped structure designed by architects Philip Powell and John Hidalgo Moya. Supported by cables, the Skylon appeared to hang in the air and was inspired by science fiction writers’ ideas about what spacecraft would look like in the future. The Skylon was a symbolic post-war landmark, just like the Dome of Discovery.

Despite their popularity, both structures were dismantled after the festival. The Dome of Discovery was sold for scrap metal after just 11 months, while the Skylon was taken down on the orders of Winston Churchill, who saw it as a reminder of the Labour government that had lost power earlier in the year.

Today, the area where the Dome of Discovery and Skylon once stood has been replaced by Jubilee Gardens. However, it is interesting to imagine how the landscape would look if the structures were still standing. One possibility is that the Dome of Discovery could have been replaced by a more modern, curved, and futuristic-looking building that offers fantastic views of the River Thames. Meanwhile, the Skylon could have been replaced entirely by the iconic London Eye, which stands in its spot today.

Overall, the Dome of Discovery and Skylon were two remarkable structures that left a lasting impression on London and the world. Their legacy lives on through their influence on modern architecture and design.

Trams on Queen Street, Cardiff

The introduction of electrical tramways in Cardiff in 1902 was an instant success. The tram lines ran from north to south, stretching from Pier Head to Mynachdy Road, as well as from west to east from Victoria Park to Roath Depot, providing convenient transportation for the city’s residents. The trams were a popular mode of transportation, even after the introduction of buses in 1920.

Despite the popularity of the trams, the effects of World War I caused damages and staff shortages, which led to the temporary closure of some tramways. However, the tram lines were soon restored and put back into service. In fact, the tram system received a large investment to extend the tram tracks and underwent a complete modernization.

Unfortunately, changes within Cardiff Corporation Transport and the rise of buses led to the closure of the first tramway in January 1930, followed by a second tramway in 1936. The remaining tramways continued to operate throughout World War II, but maintenance issues and further staff shortages eventually led to their scrapping altogether in 1950.

The last tram journeyed around the city on the Whitchurch Road route in February of that year, bringing an end to the 50-year history of the Cardiff tramways. However, a poem was inscribed on the outside of the last running tram, a nod to the mourning of the loss of this iconic mode of transport.

With plans in place to reintroduce a tramline service in Cardiff by 2024, it is interesting to think about what the original tramway system would look like today had it not been abolished all those years ago. A modern-looking tram with a sleek, streamlined appearance, large glass windows, and a digital LED sign to advise passengers of the tram’s destination would be a sight to behold.

Chums campaign has provided and interesting way to look back at these historic cities.


Published By: Aize Perez


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