Influencer Daily

YNR Marketing
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The YNR Marketing Success Story

By: Jon Stojan

Michael Lanctot’s journey from bankruptcy to becoming a millionaire is a remarkable story of success fueled by his vision for financial freedom. Amongst successes in various industries, Michael established YNR Marketing and has set ambitious goals for greenhouse development to make a positive impact on the world.

The success story here is not just about an individual but also about a company with a greater mission. YoungNRetired (YNR Marketing) represents not only past achievements but also a commitment to growth and a vision for the future. Michael’s personal journey from bankruptcy to millionaire status mirrors the growth of YNR as it continues to expand and create opportunities for financial freedom for its members.

One of the core principles of YNR Marketing is to provide individuals with a path to passive income while they are still young. This idea offers a unique opportunity to live life on one’s own terms. Imagine having the freedom to pursue your passions, explore the world, or spend more time with loved ones, all while your income continues to grow passively.

The concept of financial freedom is at the heart of YNR. It’s not just about making money; it’s about reclaiming your time and having the flexibility to enjoy life to the fullest. With YNR, you can experience the benefits of passive income and choose how you want to live.

In addition to YNR’s commitment to financial freedom, Michael recently released a groundbreaking book titled “Unchained Wealth,” redefining financial security and challenging prevailing limiting beliefs about gaining wealth. This insightful book breaks barriers, providing a new perspective on wealth accumulation and financial stability.

Moreover, Michael’s entrepreneurial journey expanded further with the establishment of Fleetandgo, his Turo management company. After aiding 40 individuals in starting their own Turo businesses and personally achieving a six-figure income within 6 months through Turo ventures, Fleetandgo was created. It was designed to hire managers and later developed a downloadable course, available in the App Store, to educate others on replicating this success.

This seemingly unexpected journey commenced in the field of chemical and nuclear engineering, where Michael’s studies focused on optimizing processes and maximizing efficiency. This background served as a foundation for his venture into entrepreneurship.

To realize the dream of owning and running a business, the importance of developing strong sales skills was recognized. An internship was then secured at a pest control company, and as sales skills were honed, there was a need to acquire recruitment and management skills. Recognizing that the current company couldn’t provide the opportunities sought, a tough decision was made to leave. After unfortunate circumstances led to bankruptcy filing at a young age, Michael remained committed to achieving his goals and being able to help others do the same. Despite these obstacles, success was achieved with his new endeavors, and essential management and recruiting skills were gained.

Subsequently, enough income was generated from his role in a pest control company to invest in Section 8 properties, long-term rentals, Airbnb properties, and Turo car rentals. In just six months, a six-figure passive income stream was established. To achieve this, time and effort were devoted to making businesses as passive as possible. FleetandGo was launched to manage Turo cars, property managers were hired for rental properties, and an executive assistant was brought on to handle various aspects of the business.

With passive income covering expenses, entry into a “retired” phase was made, enabling the focus to shift to explosive growth. A new company was joined, and within six months, earnings surpassed those from the previous four years combined. In the following year, 500 salespeople were recruited, and YNR, a company that continues to grow and expand, was founded. Among its branches is the greenhouse project conceived during college years – a project aimed at bringing fresh food production to anyone, anywhere.

The journey from bankruptcy to becoming a millionaire is marked by challenges, underscoring the power of resilience, adaptability, and a commitment to learning. The dedication remains to the goals of financial independence for others and sustainable food production for all. YNR is not just a company; it’s a symbol of financial freedom and a path to passive income.

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