Undoubtedly, the advent of technology has rapidly improved our lives. The speed at which we can acquire convenience has exponentially increased as we progress further as a society. However, this break-neck speed in which we live has made us lose focus on the rich history surrounding our world. Growing more and more detached from the mundane beauties of life, we have become accustomed to taking things for granted in exchange for convenience.
The trade of barbering, for example, has been relegated to a mundane activity, with most people not even recognizing the beautiful history behind the craft. Fortunately, 4th Generation Master Barber Arthur Rubinoff has set out to solve this lingering problem, establishing NYC Barber Shop Museum to educate people from all walks of life about the rich history behind barbering.
Arthur Rubinoff came from a long line of barbers who were deeply passionate about the trade. Inspired by his father, Arthur decided to don the mantle as a barber, spending much of his time honing his craft and learning everything he needed to know to become a master. As a young boy, he would help out around his father’s shops picking up insights from his father, who was an accomplished third-generation barber.
Once his father passed away, Arthur Rubinoff recalls how his influence motivated him to start the NYC Barber Shop Museum in his loving memory. “There were some ups and downs in my approach to barbering, but he was always the one who brought me back to it. He exemplified dedication and taught me to respect and love the craft. My father was the one to give me an idea for a museum. He was the first to start collecting small pieces, just out of love,” explained Arthur.
Since opening its doors to the public, the NYC Barber Shop Museum has become a bastion of hope and inspiration for aspiring barbers everywhere. Bolstering the people’s passion for the trade through education, the museum also prominently features Arthur’s collection of beloved pieces and rare artifacts that visitors have come to know and love.
With a passionate community behind the project, the NYC Barber Shop Museum has received donations from other barbers, collectors, and enthusiasts, helping the renowned museum grow organically.
Much of the museum’s success can be attributed to the man behind the project, Arthur Rubinoff. With such an infectious love for the barbering trade and its underlying history, he has devoted much of his life’s work towards growing the industry and building its pool of young talent. Arthur has cultivated a pristine reputation as a serial entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is the CEO at Reamir & Co Barbershops and the REAMIR Men’s Grooming Product Line in New York.
All of the profit from REAMIR goes to the NYC Barber Shop Museum, ensuring the project’s growth and longevity. Apart from his entrepreneurial ventures, Arthur Rubinoff is also known for social and educational projects that aim to foster the skills of talented barbers. He is the developer of the social “NYC Barber on Wheels” project and the owner of the educational platform barberonline.org, which offers online barbering courses for aspiring learners.
The NYC Barber Shop Museum also leads the charge in barbering education. The triumphant institution has carved out a unique legacy for the barbering trade, inspiring its visitors to gain a newfound respect for the craft through its museum tours geared towards children and college students.
Technology and innovation may have caused most of us to become quite detached from our world, but the digital revolution has had numerous positive outcomes. For example, with today’s technology, people worldwide can now visit the NYC Barber Shop Museum through a state-of-the-art virtual tour. Arthur Rubinoff has decided to pursue this endeavor to educate an international audience and help them witness the true beauty of barbering.
Overall, the NYC Barber Shop Museum has done so much good for the barber industry, and Arthur Rubinoff has been amazed by all the support. Soon, Arthur plans to grow the brand further to inspire more people and elevate the museum on an international scale.