Influencer Daily

Dive Deep Into Natural Fitness with Lisa Chaves

According to New York City Fitness Trainer and Movement Coach, Lisa Chaves, feeling stiff, achy, and lethargic does not have to be part and parcel with getting older. And Coach Lisa has all the ways to help those 40 and older to move and feel youthful and exuberant through natural fitness and movement training.

This is what Coach Lisa teaches through her “Move Naturally” YouTube channel, within her PATREON communities, and with her personal clients. 

When it comes to getting fit and enjoying it, living healthy, and loving it, movement coach Lisa Chaves is all about encouraging people to stay youthful, to play, and to move. And she teaches them to get strong, fit and grounded through a regular movement practice. 

Coach Lisa teaches ways to move, exercise, and feel great that you may never have thought could be so effective, but one look at her YouTube videos filmed on beautiful Costa Rican beaches and it cannot be denied that she’s on to something. 

Lisa is inspiring people around the globe to alleviate chronic aches, pains, and overall stiffness by simply moving wherever they may be. Lisa teaches that just because the years are accumulating does not mean it’s time to give up the activities that keep us feeling youthful and alive. And just because we are getting older does not mean it’s time to show it in the way we move and live. 

Through Lisa’s bodyweight style of fitness training, Lisa focuses on the things that really matter for the 40 and over population. Lisa shows that even past the 30s, it’s possible to get fit while having fun. And she does this by combining mobility training, bodyweight strength and conditioning, ground movement, and lots of play. And the great thing is that it can all be practiced anytime and anywhere. 

Lisa takes the chore out of physical training and turns it into games and physical challenges that get participants excited to jump in and embrace. Lisa teaches ways to connect with the body through movement that feel great and have powerful benefits on, not just the body, but also on the mind and soul. Lisa encourages this movement practice be performed out in nature for the additional benefits of getting grounded and inspired.

As viewers browse through Lisa’s YouTube videos, they will enjoy the beautiful beach settings as they are guided through exercises and routines that are great for the beach but also great for the home or any outdoor, natural environment. Ultimately, her videos are great for newcomers to this natural style of fitness training but also inspiring and educational for the more advanced practitioners. 

These days, Lisa is excited to be able to connect better and deeper with her ‘Fellow Movers’ through her Patreon communities. There she is guiding her community of movers in a cohesive manner through her natural fitness material.

In 2022, Lisa will be offering one-on-one online programs as well as Movement Vacations where she will be moving and playing with her ‘fellow movers’ on the pristine beaches of Costa Rica.

Lisa has 20 years experience as an elite New York City Personal Trainer. She now brings this experience and her passion for Natural Fitness to her home of Costa Rica where she is able to inspire others to get back their youthful exuberance through movement.

To learn more about Lisa Chaves and her upcoming movement vacations in Costa Rica, visit her YouTube channel, Patreon, Instagram, and Facebook



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