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QueueSlot: Alternate Appointments and Automated Schedules
Photo Courtesy: QueueSlot

Alternate Appointments and Automated Schedules for Real Entrepreneurs

By: Bryan Laughery

Scheduling software is outdated, and it shouldn’t be—we are well into the twenty-first century, and our software should reflect it! Softwares  like Calendly, Acuity Scheduling, and Schedulicity don’t offer obviously helpful features like an automated waitlist or alternate appointments. Heine Nzumafo saw these flaws as someone equipped to provide an alternative, and he came up with QueueSlot to make shockwaves in the scheduling world. 

The original idea that became QueueSlot came from a discussion between Heine and his wife. She worked as a financial counselor, and she was consistently frustrated with the scheduling software that her company was employing could not meet a lot of expectations. The two of them came to the conclusions that if an appointment waitlist or a system of alternate appointment booking weren’t coming to the software any time soon, Heine should develop his own. 

QueueSlot offers a patented multi-platform scheduling solution. The waitlist is simple yet effective—if you book an appointment, you can schedule alternate time slots. There is a queue for the appointment you schedule, and if you cancel or rebook, the next person in the queue immediately gets notified of the ability to fill the slot. This automated process also takes you out of all alternate time slots once you attend your appointment. The whole power of the software again begs the question: why doesn’t all scheduling software work this way? 

As a small business owner and startup entrepreneur, Heine works full-time as an Agile coach and Scrum Master trainer. He’s made these jobs work for him, so his grueling schedule can be more rewarding; by having his students help with QueueSlot’s development, they gain practical experience in their field while Heine can train and scout the best possible employees. To bootstrap this business, he’s also relied heavily on feedback, but feedback in the early stages of business can easily be limited to small scale input. Heine wanted a company’s help, so he partnered with a healthcare provider in Phoenix, AZ to form a mutually beneficial development space. QueueSlot has been comprehensively tested with real feedback from a partner business. 

When Heine started the business, he had finished seven years of military service and learned a lot from one failed venture. The venture, Hiipe—a chat app—failed to get off the ground after a fantastic initial round of funding because Heine had too many eggs in the fundraising basket. He went from raising $400,000 with grand plans for Hiipe to understanding the importance of building on a strong foundation, and QueueSlot was started from a three page PowerPoint and $40,000. 

Heine served in the US Army Signal Corps. With the Army as one of our nation’s last lines of defense, the Signal Corps are some of the most important communicators in the country. After immigrating to the United States from Cameroon in 1995, Heine spent seven years as a Signal Corps Officer, but to add to those tremendous duties, he got both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in electrical engineering at the same time. In the software development arena, Heine is a mighty competitor. He leads his team, but he more casually refers to his position as Chief Enabling Officer for the educational role he has with QueueSlot. 

When he’s not enabling his team, he’s at home with his wife of nine years and his eight year old son. He also serves as a pastor for Holiness Revival Worldwide, a non-denominational ministry, so he’s no stranger to communicating with and uplifting a team. 

A passionate entrepreneur, Heine has made a business that is replicable, scalable, and self sustainable. He aims to expand the business while keeping the wheels turning because of his work as a Scrum Master trainer. If he can continue to train people that will turn into his staff, he can grow the business and make more partnerships like the one in Phoenix. For those students of his that don’t want to join the staff, they’ll be able to take QueueSlot to their next place of business, and more people will see how innovative Heine’s patented scheduling solution is. If you want to see for yourself how much better businesses fare when they can efficiently keep their schedules, check out Heine’s website. QueueSlot is still refining its software along with customer and business feedback, and it’s going to be the schedule keeper of the future.


Published By: Aize Perez


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