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Sheryl Anjanette Empowers Readers to Move Past Self-Doubt in Her Book The Imposter Lies Within

Life can feel overwhelming at times, and self-doubt has a way of holding us back and dampening our dreams. Taking control of self-sabotaging emotions and behaviors allows us to brave any storm and find the peaceful, calm waters that seem just out of sight. Developing the mindset and tools to reach that point necessitates a strong influence from someone who understands the battles people face when feeling not good enough, worthy, or deserving. This is where the need for personal development and coaching comes in.

Author, podcast host and mind guide, Sheryl Anjanette has a unique and  effective approach for empowering people to combat their anxieties, fears, and self-doubt. She shares this in her book The Imposter Lies Within: Silence Your Inner Critic, Tame Your Fear, and Unleash Your Badassery, a worthy read that provides a tried-and-true roadmap to not only understand what imposter syndrome is and where it comes from, but to overcome it once and for all.

The Imposter Lies Within is due for release on May 11, 2022 and is currently available for pre-order. More than a book, it  takes readers on a transformational journey designed to move us from awareness to insight and alignment to integration in order to become imposter-free. Covering the intersection of business and mindset, this book is highly recommended for business leaders and entrepreneurs, as well as anyone else who would benefit from learning how to overcome imposter syndrome.

Anjanette provides a framework of seven archetypes that helps readers gain a better understanding of how imposter syndrome is showing up in their lives. This self-assessment serves as a starting point to get past the maladaptive patterns that may have been normalized or suppressed in the past. The author’s signature holistic approach comprehensively works from the inside-out and the outside-in to bring readers to alignment and full integration.

“Imposter syndrome is not something you just need to live with. You can let go of crippling self-doubt and the fear of being found out as a fraud or phony. It is possible to get past the debilitating anxiety of feeling like you’re not good enough,” Anjanette explains. This idea that you can live your life imposter-free offers new hope to anyone who has struggled with this often-misunderstood but damaging syndrome.

Those experiencing imposter syndrome may miss out on opportunities because they fear not having what it takes to succeed.  Just as often, they may power through their fears and doubts only to suppress their emotions, impairing themselves further with each external accomplishment they gain.  This idea of feeling the fear and doing it anyway is a common technique to manage the symptoms of imposter syndrome so people can move forward in their lives, but the internal anxiety of not being good enough persists, which is why it is most common amongst high achievers.

Anjanette boldly debunks pervasive and dangerous myths about impostor syndrome such as feel your fear and do it anyway being a “cure,” and helps people and organizations understand the long-term costs of allowing this condition to remain unchecked. She also expounds on common indicators of imposter syndrome, including a disconnect between people’s feelings of unworthiness and what their actual accomplishments are.

Apart from being a book author, Anjanette is also a thriving podcast host, speaker, and hypnotherapist, working with clients globally. She sees herself as an orchestrator as she helps others achieve harmony in their lives. She is the founder and owner of Anjanette Wellness Academy which specializes in the topics of imposter syndrome, burnout, emotional and energy regulation, and peak performance.

The Imposter Lies Within highlights more than 16 exercises and provides additional resources to help readers get past imposter syndrome, achieve inner peace, adapt easily to new situations, and handle opportunities with confidence and grace. Sheryl Anjanette confidently and passionately helps individuals and organizations transform their businesses and lives to become vibrant, harmonious, innovative and productive. This brilliant book is a must-read for anyone who has met the imposter and is ready to kick it to the curb.The Imposter Lies Within is available for purchase, with valuable pre-launch bonuses, ahead of the May 11, 2022 official launch.

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