Success is the single most desired wish in the entire world. Every single inhabitant of this world wishes for success. The idea of success may differ for each individual; however, the outline of wanting to have a happy and content life stays the same. Success is a dream which is similar for everyone. However, the realization of this desire is something not easily attained. One individual that has slowly but gradually climbed the stairs of success is Alan J. Omar.
The road to success is not one that anybody can travel. This road is filled with hardships and hurdles that force a person and give up on their journey. However, as famously said, the harder it is to attain the fruit, the sweeter its taste. There are many factors that contribute to achieving success in life. Luck, talent, and opportunism are all contributing factors. However, the factors that have the biggest contribution to achieving success are the drive to succeed and perseverance.
The journey of Alan Omar was one that is a bit different than the ones that might be heard usually. Born on 2nd February 1983, Alan hailed from Kurdistan, Sulaymaniyah, the Kurdish Region of Iraq. Since early childhood, Omar was a child of epic involvement in all sports. Omar displayed early talents in soccer, which led him to compete in tournaments of all levels from city to nationals. Omar was equally talented in table tennis and received many awards for his victory in numerous competitions. Sports can play a very big role in the nurturing of a person. Through sports, the reflexes and thinking of a person become sharper, and they learn to react to situations much faster and with greater accuracy than others. Omar received much more than just appreciation for his time playing sports. He learned the most important lessons of life through the sports he enjoyed playing. Through his efforts of competing and winning competitions, he experienced the truth behind the sayings, ‘Patience is a virtue and ‘Only your hard work will never betray you. He learned the importance of self-discipline, which was a big contributor to his present success.
Even after Omar moved to the Netherlands, he continued indulging in the sport of table tennis. The only difference was that now he had been scouted by a prestigious athletic club and would represent them in different meets and tournaments. During his time in Netherland, Omar competed in many tournaments and won many titles. It was also during this time that he experienced what the limelight was like and what being successful felt like. Omar fell in love with this feeling and had decided at that moment that he would succeed in life through any path that needed to be taken. This search for success is what led him to travel thousands of miles to a place where it did not matter what one’s past was. Anybody could succeed in life through hard work and dedication.
In 2000, Omar migrated to the United States in search of any hints that would help him achieve true success in life. Omar, through his years in competitive sports, understood that there were no shortcuts to success and that one needs to experience all walks of life to succeed in life. After his arrival, Omar quickly started his efforts to get a much wider experience of the professional world in the US by starting to work. He started working at a local bakery as well as a grocery store to make sure that all his financial needs were taken off and that he would be able to save some amount for his future endeavors. Through his previous experiences, Omar had mastered the art of efficient learning and was able to grasp the different trends of the business world. After having learned all he could at his existing workplaces, Omar decided to elevate his level and applied for a position with the famous Christian Dior retail brand. He spent the rest of his time learning all he could about the business world and the fundamentals needed to succeed in this world until he decided to start his own venture. There fore in 2005, he founded The Capital Gate, which was an investment company that focused primarily on consulting opportunities. His company boasted of providing low-risk and diversified investment opportunities that offer long-term growth to international clients. Even after all his success, Omar did not abandon his drive to achieve greater success, and in 2015 he enrolled in a university to secure his Bachelor’s in Business Administration with Majors in Finance and Minors in Accounting.
Omar also serves as a board member on the Global Diplomatic center (GDC) and also serves as a member on the board of Iraq Aid. Alan Omar is making all efforts to empower himself to reach greater heights. He never settles for what he has achieved and is always on the grind to reach a greater status.