Bags have been around for ages due to their importance in a person’s daily life. From carrying essential items for school, work, travel, sport, or even serving as fashion pieces for men and women, bags are one of the essential accessories, and you can hardly find any alternative that will serve the same purpose.
However, from the simplest to the most sophisticated, bags come in various shapes and sizes designed for specific uses. In today’s busy and outgoing world, a single-purpose bag often means lugging around two or three heavy bags to contain essential daily items such as gadgets, books, folders, and clothes, among others. For this reason, the creators of The Hop Bag designed the highly versatile and fashionably chic Truly Modular 3-in-1 bag perfect for everyday use. “Now you don’t have to Modify your needs to your bag. For the first time, A Bag Modifies your needs.”
The Hop Bag – A truly Modular 3-in-1 bag is the ultimate everything everywhere bag everyone needs. From everyday use to getaway packing, this unique bag fits in and can be modified into a laptop bag, a soft suitcase, or a tablet/laptop sleeve to suit your every need. The brilliant creators spent over a year designing the ideal bag to make your journey stress free and fun. “Hop goes where you go, the one bag for work, travel, and wherever life takes you.”
Taking the lead as a bag that modifies to your need, the brilliant creators behind The Hop Bag – A truly Modular 3-in-1 bag took its unique design and utility to a new level. The 3-in1 bag is cruelty-free, made from the highest quality vegan leather, which is also splash-proof, making it ideal for every use. Additionally, its unique ergonomic design is highly durable and fits the immediate needs of its user to ensure comfortable travel.
Some of its unique features also include detachable and adjustable straps, which allow users to go from a backpack to a cross body to a handheld with ease, extra paddings for gadgets safety, removable travel carry cases, large compartments for getaway packing, insulated pockets for ice packs to keep your medicine safe, hidden pockets to keep important documents secure, sturdy YKK zippers to provide quick top access, a separate section for clothes and toiletries, seven additional pouches to help you organize your packing and an external charging port to help you charge on the go.
To put it simply, the Truly Modular 3-in-1 bag is the ideal bag for daily use or a 2-day trip. On top of its amazing features, this unique carry-all is comfortable and effortlessly balanced and meets the carry-on size limit for comfortable air travel.
The bag was launched on Kickstarter on September 28 and is currently available on the company’s website. To learn more about the incredible design of The Hop Bag – A truly Modular 3-in-1 bag, visit the company’s website or follow them on Instagram for more updates.
Check out the Kickstarter project page here.