Influencer Daily

3 Reasons Why Influencers Can Help Sell Products for a Home

3 Reasons Why Influencers Can Help Sell Products for a Home

When was the last time you saw a video that made you want to buy something? Chances are you saw an influencer posting a video rather than a video ad. In this day and age, influencers are the most powerful marketing assets on social media. They allow companies across all sectors to produce content that is relatable and accessible to their target audience. When you’re selling home products, you might think that posting images or feature videos would help you sell. But have you thought about the way influencers may shine a new light on your product and help you convert more leads into customers?

From selling fabric for outdoor furniture to the latest kitchen gadgets, here are three reasons why influencers are a great choice when marketing home products online.

1. Their Audience

When working with influencers, you can choose to work with ones who have a large portion of your target audience, or whose audience is part of a new market you want to enter. When you are selling products that may not typically align with your current audience, you can use influencers who have strong communities to introduce your product to a new group of people. Influencers also tend to have high engagement rates, which means that they are able to get their audience to take desired action more than a brand can when promoting itself online.

Think of it this way: a brand’s content requires people to take their word for quality; an influencer’s content acts as a word-of-mouth referral from someone your audience already trusts.

2. User Generated Content (UGC)

Why is a 20-second video of someone applying skincare so much more effective than a 60-second commercial highlighting the results of clinical studies? Content made by real people is more relatable. Brands that work with influencers are paying them to create a form of user-generated content. This content looks like something that was made by an actual consumer rather than a professional. UGC is more authentic, and it showcases the features of a product that customers actually care about. It also has the added benefit of serving as social proof for your products. Instead of just taking a brand’s word for it, customers can look at influencer UGC to see what a home product really looks like.

3. Improve Brand Image

How does a brand improve its image online? An influencer partnership can work wonders. Because their audience already trusts them, they’re more likely to trust you, too. Influencers essentially act as living endorsements for a brand, and they help boost awareness and credibility for the companies they work with. By showcasing your home products through an influencer’s content, you stand to gain a stronger brand image that leaves you with a wider and more engaged audience.

Influencers are powerful, social media, marketing assets for any brand in the home industry. They provide engaging relatable content that their audience loves, and when it comes to home products, influencers are able to showcase your products in a way that makes people want them for themselves.

Published by: Martin De Juan


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