Your belief of your abilities, image, and worth reflects directly on what you’re able to accomplish in your life. Self-esteem is a mental aspect that so many women find damaged by the time they get to adulthood. Numerous unhealthy expectations put you into a box that you were never meant to fit, and you eventually start to believe that you aren’t good at anything, desirable in any sense, or deserving of any love or respect. When women work to counter this, they’ll often find that the shameful elements surrounding them in life are repeated to them in the “solution” they look for on the market; workout programs box them in. Amber Behn experienced all of these expectations, these prejudices firsthand, and she developed Amber Behn Coaching as an escape from the madness.
So many women want to embark on a weight loss journey. It’s healthy to lose excess weight, but there needs to be an emphasis on a natural process, or you can slip into harmful behaviors. Amber Behn became a coach to help women lose weight, and she named her new program “Your Weightless Journey” to get across that weight loss is a positive process. You can book a free consultation for her service, which aims to help you significantly improve your relationship with yourself, your partners, and the way you view the world.
In 2020, Amber had cycled through so many weight loss programs. She tried so many products marketed to attract the business of people with self-esteem issues—herbal supplements, shakes, gummies, calorie counting, restrictive dieting, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and Curves—but none of them were working. She was up to 350 pounds. Her body image was in a horrible place, and it was affecting so many spheres of her life. She thought her only option was bariatric surgery and she started the process of finding a surgeon; however, Amber came to the realization that no matter what choice she made regarding surgery, she’d have to change her lifestyle to be more healthy. She looked for a personal trainer and lucked out, finding someone who was kind and supportive. At the time, she worked in wildlife, with a Master’s of Zoology, but the experience of reshaping her body and image turned her to fitness forever. She worked fitness administration jobs while earning her National Academy of Sports Medicine Personal Trainer Certification—not to mention losing 70 pounds along the way.
Shedding six dress sizes changed her outlook on life. She started her coaching brand to help other women see the success that she was able to achieve herself. “You already are everything you want to be,” she reminds her clients, “Your Weightless Journey is where your well-being hits center stage.”Amber’s business model has grown to prominence for its natural and logical principles. She wants to emphasize a healthy lifestyle over constant self-degradation, noting certain issues outside the sphere of training like wearing clothes that fit properly to look best, not associating weight with personality, and total focus on your control of what you feel can be accomplished. By restricting the feeling of self worth to weight, women find themselves in a perpetual cycle of dissatisfaction—not because of their ability to succeed, but because the solution being presented to them is designed to fail. Your Weightless Journey puts more power into your hands.
Amber has faced tumultuous struggles in growing her positive business. Adjusting to social media marketing is difficult when the mediums can surround women in an algorithm of negative content. She keeps her message dedicated in her social media with messages like, “You already are everything you want to be.” Difficulty is no reason to stop desaturating the market of weight loss techniques and solutions where happiness and fulfillment is only achieved by reaching a certain number on the scale. Additionally, Amber keeps incorporating new and better technologies to feed her entrepreneurial spirit. Clients have reported 40lb weight loss in six months, increased engagement in creative activities like writing, improved romantic relationships due to a healthier mindset, and entrepreneurial engagements of their own!
Her program is designed to fit your schedule with total virtual availability. She hosts events on Facebook live including weight loss workshops, giveaways, and special guest appearances. Getting on her email list is a great way to find out about these opportunities. As Amber helps more clients to long-term weight loss, she wants to grow her business to help women start their own business journey with confidence and enthusiasm. If you’re looking to make a change, do it positively and inspire yourself along the way.
Published by: Holy Minoza