Influencer Daily

DJ Chris Angel on Pursuing His Dream Relentlessly Despite the Odds

Becoming a full-time professional disc jockey was a dream that Chris Angel has always had at the back of his mind. He knew right from the very beginning that being in the music industry necessitated a lot of self-sacrifice and determination. It is never a walk in the park, but his deep passion for music inspired him to pursue his life’s greatest dream despite not knowing what his future in it would be like. There was one thing that he knew for sure when he started: he needed to be the first one to invest and believe in his ideas. 

Born Christian Younan, the promising DJ left the military to start his music journey. His transition, however, was not as smooth as he hoped it would be as he started to experience anxiety and depression. He had trouble being in a large crowd, which greatly affected his public performance as an artist. Despite the struggle he was faced with, Chris Angel fought hard to find the courage to face his demons and move forward with his plans. 

Even as a young boy, life was already tough for him and his family. He was forced to grow up early on to survive. He had to work part-time at 14, watering plants for a coffee shop, to help his family make ends meet. By the time he was 16, he was juggling his studies with two part-time jobs at a fast-food chain and a music store. Back then, he understood that he had a unique upbringing. Life may have been hard, but he did not let these hardships get in the way of what he wanted to become. 

Determined to try out his luck as a DJ, he started saving money to invest in music equipment. He also bought a couple of old records so he can work on his scratching skills. He would also skip football practice in order to go to work. That season in his life made Chris Angel a more hardworking and decisive individual. He was also able to develop his own list of life principles to follow in order to succeed. One of the most important reminders he would often remind himself of is to stay away from negative people who do not see the importance of his dream. 

True enough, making an effort to surround himself with the right kind of people contributed greatly to the creation of his thriving music career. Chris Angel was able to successfully develop his own style as evidenced by his debut single titled “Dakati.” The song is available on Spotify and all other major streaming platforms. 

Currently, he is taking it one day at a time as he believes success should not be rushed. Studying emerging trends and new ways of doing things is also one of his admirable habits as an artist. He believes in the value of reading and accumulating the right kind of information. “Dakati” is just the beginning of the many phenomenal things that he wants to produce for his fans. Just like most great things in life, they take time to produce, and he is investing the right amount of time in creating quality music for people to enjoy. 

In the near future, Chris Angel is looking forward to collaborating with some of the industry’s biggest names. He sees himself becoming a well-respected music artist in the future and making a lasting impact on the lives of young people.

Find out more about DJ Chris Angel by following his Instagram account. Check out his most recent release by visiting this website

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