Influencer Daily

Engelbert Perez on Conquering the Digital Space with Cogent Lifestyle

With how competitive the commercial space has become, the stakes are at an all-time high for anyone who wishes to kick off their careers and make their marks in the industry. Although this ever-expanding cut-throat nature of the entrepreneurial landscape can be intimidating, it is also the very thing that pushes aspirants and dreamers to seek growth and reach for the stars. For Engelbert Perez, an emerging powerhouse in the commercial arena, having the right mindset is everything. 

Despite being a budding household name in the digital commercial realm, Engelbert Perez had to undergo his fair share of formative experiences and growing pains. In an interview, the rising personality shared that at one point in his life, he grew complacent and fell prey to an endless cycle of the same meaningless routine. After realizing that his old habits were stunting his development, he decided to take a leap of faith and broke himself from the shackles that wasted his potential. 

Determined to live a life dictated by his terms, Engelbert Perez signed up for an e-commerce webinar in which he learned a lot about entrepreneurship in the digital space. Years later, he finally mustered the courage to quit his job and drop out of college to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a digital entrepreneur.

Although Engelbert Perez was well on his way to becoming the person he aspired to be, the first few periods of his career shift proved to be one of the most challenging experiences he encountered. Despite earning $50,000 a month as a digital entrepreneur, he would spend a hefty amount on investments, specifically on Facebook ads, leaving him with 20% of the profit gain. He wanted to have more of the cut, so he began to do free traffic methods, which left him to be banned in various sites. 

The trials that Engelbert Perez had to go through could have easily discouraged most people. However, the go-getter already had his heart set on realizing his visions and breathing life into his ideas. As a result, he took on the challenge of establishing his company called Cogent Lifestyle.

Cogent Lifestyle is a go-to online resource that caters to entrepreneurs and enterprises in building their portfolios and expanding their visibility across the digital space. It serves as a platform where business owners and personalities can increase their digital footprint. Through one of its products called AdBags, the company enables potential powerhouses to reach impressive heights without having to shell out much money.

Now that much of the commercial ventures are going digital, Engelbert Perez believes that Cogent Lifestyle could help entrepreneurs and enterprises conquer their business endeavors and dominate their respective fields. As someone who has always been passionate about sharing his success with others, the 22-year-old rising powerhouse emerges at the forefront of numerous activities in business, marketing, and entrepreneurship.

In the coming years, Engelbert Perez wishes to continue expanding his horizons and inspiring dreamers from all walks of life. Learn more about the power player by following him on Instagram


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