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‘Jump for Menopause’ A Campaign Redefining How We Approach Menopause

Menopause Awareness Month, Science&Humans (S&H) is taking a giant leap to raise awareness and support for millions of women across North America who navigate the transformative journey of menopause. S&H, a consumer-first digital platform for hormone health treatments, has launched its compelling campaign, “Jump for Menopause,” which aims to redefine the way we perceive menopause, breaking down stigmas, fostering open discussions, and empowering women to seek the support and treatments they need.

Menopause is a significant and natural phase in a woman’s life, but it often brings various challenges, including hot flashes, mood swings, and potential long-term health implications. To navigate this transition successfully, women need to be well-informed and supported. “Jump for Menopause” serves as a beacon of awareness, highlighting the importance of prioritizing women’s health during this life-altering period.

Throughout the entire month of October, S&H is orchestrating an extraordinary initiative that involves daredevils taking to the skies and descending at various dropzones across North America. The purpose of these awe-inspiring jumps is to convey a powerful message – that menopause is not a pause in a woman’s life but a transformative chapter filled with new opportunities, once the stigmas surrounding it are shattered, and open dialogues about its symptoms and experiences are encouraged. Additionally, the campaign motivates women to explore various treatment options and discover the support they require.

Hira Siddiqui, the Co-Founder and COO of S&H, passionately stated, “Women spend roughly one-third of their lives navigating the unique challenges of menopause—a journey often shrouded in taboo and silence. As a millennial, I’m keenly aware that my generation is on the brink of this milestone, facing a glaring lack of preparedness and a cloud of misinformation. Our mission is clear: to offer unwavering support and empower women, ensuring they not only endure but thrive during this decade-long journey, guided by evidence-based solutions.”

Leading the charge for “Jump for Menopause” is Skydive Spaceland Clewiston in Florida, where co-owners Lisa and Rick Hornsby are thrilled to provide hands-on assistance to lift this campaign off the ground. The initiative extends to other locations such as Sebastian, Florida, and Niagara Falls and Toronto, Ontario, with even more destinations on the horizon. The expert skydiving teams at each “drop” will be led by Chris Serrano, an award-winning creative director and skydiving athlete based in Florida.

Beyond the exhilarating jumps and breathtaking aerial displays, “Jump for Menopause” is a powerful symbol of unity and collaboration. In a heartwarming gesture of support for women’s health, S&H has chosen Women’s Health Collective Canada (WHCC) as the recipient of all donations generated by this campaign, sourced from both corporate sponsorships and individual contributions. The outpouring of support from individuals who have pledged their assistance has already made a significant impact on the campaign’s reach and potential to make a real difference in the lives of women undergoing menopause.

For those eager to show their support for “Jump for Menopause” on social media, the official campaign hashtags include: #jumpformenopause, #menopauseawarenessmonth, #science&humans, #menopause, #menopausesupport, #menopausehealth, #womenshealth, and #hormonehealth.

More detailed information about the campaign can be found here, while additional information about Science & Humans can be accessed here.

As we journey through Menopause Awareness Month and beyond, let us continue to rally behind the “Jump for Menopause” campaign and encourage open conversations about menopause, its challenges, and the ways in which we can support the women in our lives through this significant transition. Together, we can help women not just endure but thrive during this transformative phase of life. “Jump for Menopause” exemplifies the potential for collective action to make a profound impact on women’s health and well-being, transforming ordinary skydives into extraordinary means of advocacy.


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