Influencer Daily

Rae Karim on Transforming Lives and Dealing with Grief

Some people believe that the most palpable manifestation of greatness lies in being able to positively influence and make a difference in the lives of others. Those who possess this unparalleled ability have the skill to harness others’ potential and maneuver them towards a better and brighter direction in their lives. As a result, they create significant strides across a wide variety of industries that make the world a better place. 

As someone who is passionate about bringing change in the lives of others, Rae Karim has made it her mission to transcend limitations, break barriers, and transform lives. Through her promising platforms, she aims to become the light that drives people out of darkness and grief.

While becoming an instrument of change is no easy feat, this vision has come smoothly to Rae Karim’s quest for greatness. Having had her fair share of trials and tribulations in the past, she decided to utilize her experiences to enlighten and educate those who feel lost along the way. Today, this thought leader is committed to helping others deal with grief in the healthiest ways possible. 

On a mission to assist people in coping with loss, grief, and sadness, this power player utilizes her exceptional gift of words to send across powerful messages of hope to those who are struggling to get their feet back on the ground. Grief, as Rae Karim puts it, is an emotion that no one has to endure for so long. For this reason, she has established strategies that not only help people get out of the rut but also maneuver them towards carving a better and brighter path for themselves.

As a grief coach and consultant, Rae Karim employs various strategies that help individuals navigate their lives when experiencing grief. She assists them in planning their lives every step of the way, emphasizing the fact that they are not alone in the process. To empower more lives and transform them further, Rae also facilitates grief retreats and conducts workshops in schools, churches, and organizations.

Although these initiatives already amplify Rae Karim’s dedication to helping others, this power player continues to defy odds by engaging the community. “I not only offer individual and group coaching, but I also advocate for grief support by way of community engagement,” shared Rae. Such engagement consists of monthly events such as Pen the Pain—an expression of grief through art, workshops that explore the theological perspective of grief, and one to five-day retreats. These retreats include workshops about grief, ways to practice self-care, and other activities that help others cope.

“I understand that overcoming grief can be an extremely long and difficult process. This is why I have established an endless list of programs that cater to the needs of every griever across the world,” shared Rae.

Aside from being a grief coach and consultant, Rae Karim is also a best-selling author, sought-after writer, and speaker.

With everything that Rae Karim has achieved, she hopes to embolden people to acknowledge grief, move forward with change, and embrace the emotion as a precursor to greatness. She hopes to see more individuals grow in the coming years.

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